乔治亚州众议院280号法案,俗称“校园持枪”,于2017年7月1日生效. 教员委员会, staff and administrative representatives is developing a strategy that will ensure 在线博彩 complies with the law.

The University System of Georgia (USG) has provided guidance to its institutions on how to implement the legislation. 学生,教师和工作人员不应该试图监督或执行法规. 只有执法人员才有责任这样做. 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系在线博彩总法律顾问或大学警察.

有关HB 280的更多信息,请 访问美国地质调查局网站.


It is the responsibility of concealed weapons license holders to comply to the provisions of H.B. 280. 根据法律, weapons cannot be carried in rooms where high school students enrolled in classes are present.

在线博彩 has created a process that allows license holders to quickly check if high school students are enrolled in classes in certain rooms at certain times. 要访问该流程,请使用有效的用户ID和密码登录到my在线博彩 myuwg.shanemichaelmurray.com 并选择BanWeb选项卡. 这将弹出主菜单. From there...

  • 点击“校园携带”;
  • 点击“美国政府众议院法案280指导”,查看美国政府对该法案的指导;
  • 点击“在线博彩校园携带”进入在线博彩网站查看校园携带信息;
  • Click on "Schedule Information for License-holders" for a detailed schedule showing whether high school students are enrolled in each of the courses on a student's or faculty member’s schedule; and
  • 查看“高中在校生”栏目获取信息. 如果列中包含“Y”,则高中生被录取. 如果包含“N”,则高中生不会被录取.

请注意,这并不表明持证人是否可以携带枪支进入教室. It simply denotes whether a high school student is enrolled in a class in that particular room at the time denoted. For example, 如果在某一特定教室的一栏中有一个“N”, 但是教室是在体育馆, license holders cannot carry in that classroom because carrying concealed weapons is never allowed in the coliseum. 同样,由持枪证持有者决定他们可以携带隐藏武器的地点.


Yes. HB 280规定了许可证持有人不得携带手枪的特定例外区域, 实验室也不例外. Handguns would only be prohibited in a laboratory if the particular space were to fall within one of the specific exceptions.

Yes. Summer camps are not set out as an exception to the ability to carry concealed handguns on campus in HB 280. 禁止携带手枪, however, 在托儿场所, which include programs for children under 18 years of age that are located within an enclosed space behind a controlled access point (meaning access via personnel stationed at the door or an electronic mechanism) limited to authorized people.

Yes. Health centers and their examination rooms are not specifically excepted from the general rule that license-holders may carry concealed handguns on campus. Handguns are only prohibited in those areas of health centers that fall within a specific exception in HB 280, 比如教员, 职员及行政办公室.

禁止携带手枪 in buildings or property that are used for intercollegiate games at all times, 不仅仅是在活动期间. Similarly, 所有场所都禁止携带手枪, 不仅仅是那些特定的游戏场所. The same is true of student housing facilities; handguns are prohibited throughout the facilities, 不仅仅是在学生居住的特定地区.

No. HB 280 only applies “in any building or on real property owned by or leased to any public … college, 或者大学,或者其他公共高等教育机构.“当学生, 教职工离开校园参加学校相关活动, 他们将受到适用于校外场所的武器法的约束.

No. HB 280仅适用于乔治亚州. People at locations that are owned or leased by USG colleges and universities but lie outside of Georgia will be governed by the applicable local laws of the city, county, 设施所在州和/或国家.

No. HB 280 only prohibits handguns in rooms and spaces that are being used for classes in which high school students are enrolled. It does not prohibit license-holders from carrying concealed handguns in other areas where those high school students may go while on campus.

No. State law grants license-holders the ability to carry handguns to public college and university classes (except those in which high school students are enrolled), and faculty members may not ask license-holders to reveal that they are carrying concealed handguns or in any way discourage them from doing what they are legally allowed to do.

No. It is the responsibility of those who choose to carry handguns on campus to make themselves aware of where and when they can do so. 他们可以通过询问注册员来了解哪些班级包括高中生, 教职员工和他们的同学也可以. In fact, the USG does not recommend that faculty members make announcements in class because it may lead to confusion among students resulting from inconsistencies between different professors and different classes.

Yes. 教师可以通过链接到USG的指导提供信息.edu website.

It is the responsibility of those who choose to carry handguns on campus to make arrangements for the proper and safe storage of those guns. 目前的法律已经允许在停放的汽车中固定枪支. 持有许可证的人也可以安排校外储存

Yes. 目前的情况应该由执法部门来处理, but afterwards the conduct may be treated as a violation of the student code of conduct or the personnel rules. That process should then be handled in the same manner as any other student or employee misconduct case would be handled.

No. HB 280禁止在教职员工和行政办公室携带手枪. It does not give employees discretion to decide whether to carry handguns – or allow others to do so – in their offices.

No. State law only allows license-holders to have handguns on campus in two ways: carried in a concealed manner and locked in a car. 它不允许把手枪放在无人看管的地方.